KODA rockbolter positioning systems close the gap on navigation/guidance for underground construction. They operate stand-alone or as the basis for an integrated solution for underground construction.
“Quality, Safety, Productivity”
- Precisely position rockbolts to design without need for survey intervention
- No need to setout under unsupported roof
- Common components between rockbolter and roadheader maximizes spare parts availability
- Survey system integration: design, setout, conformance - from the office to underground
- Deep integration with total station - allowing total station sharing with another roadheader or a rockbolter
- Reliable, scalable and intelligent
- Simple, easy to learn user interface
- Controls and system information at your fingertips
- Proven partners - reliable and fit for purpose technology
- Integrated roadheader/rockbolter machines are also compatible with this platform
- Connectivity options:
- machine area only
- machine to surface
- machine to KODAcloud
- Simple data types which maintain compatibility to 12dTunnel and TPStakeout data types