I struck up a great conversation with a friend while we were socializing over the weekend. We were drinking beer and doing what we could to help make some habanero jelly. Making these spicy jellies has become a bit of a hobby for me lately - it's strangely satisfying to see 20 or so new jars of yumminess sitting on the counter after a hour or so of toil. I find it also particularly good and keeping me distracted from all the other things that rattle around in my head... not this time though. Something got planted in there that I couldn't get rid of.
Convex Hulls...No, Not Sailing
Convex Hulls…No, Not Sailing
KODA had some fun this week playing around with Convex Hulls. It’s not a new idea for the spatial sciences, but it’s a new idea for KODA. It’s something that started as a quick and dirty way to find a 2-dimensional boundary around a cloud of points. It works great and is fast and stable.