KODA finds some inspiration (and validation) in a great article from this month’s Inc. magazine. In an article titled ‘Hunting Big Game’, Adam Bluestein offers some great advice for how to win that first big contract.
12d Model and KODA
KODA is excited to announce that it has been appointed as a Reseller for 12d Model – Surveying, Civil and Water Engineering software – for the USA.
12d Model is used in over 65 countries, and the uptake continues every day. Version 11 has just been released. Along with that come many enhancements, including 12d Field, and of particular note, some new functionality for underground construction.
Breakfast Tacos, Robots and Friends
Roll with the Pitches
Euler Rotations
Whether it’s a roadheader, rockbolter, excavator or TBM, one of the fundamental components on any navigation/guidance system is the dual-axis level sensor located on the main body of the machine. The purpose is obvious: to correct the calibrated coordinate system of the machine to the gravity system. But you need to be careful about a few things…
Zero to One Innovation
Zero to One Innovation
KODA caught a good show yesterday about ‘innovation’. Peter Thiel, PayPal co-founder and author of the book Zero to One was interviewed. He had a lot to say, but one thing that stood out in particular was his opinion about the mediocrity of innovation these days. That’s a pretty controversial statement, but when you think about it, maybe it isn’t…